we did have a great visit last weekend with ben's aunt and uncle. they take a BIG road trip everywhere in their rv and this year happened to include i-40. therefore, they got to stop and see us!! they treated us to a great dinner at the old town spaghetti store (one of our fave's here in jackson...and be warned, the website plays music!), then we went to see the rv and then they came to see our house. this is what our house looked like last time they were here.
needless to say, they were glad to see that we had gotten to do some work on it ;) we had a great night with them and we look forward to seeing them again really soon, hopefully.
also, we've been praying for ben's grandpa lately. he was in the hospital last week for an emergency surgery where he has an infection on his gall bladder. basically, they have controlled the infection, but he's too weak to undergo gall bladder surgery, so this is all they can do now. we ask that you guys pray along with us for healing and comfort for grandpa.
we are also really really looking forward to VACATION!!!!! yes, that's right, you heard me correctly...we will be leaving for florida with some of ben's family on september 6 and honestly, it just can't get here soon enough! we went last year to st. george island and that is where we will be returning to. we'll be there for a week and seriously, i can't type how much we are looking forward to this.
this is ben and janie last year at st. george...dillon was there too, just in the belly!
ALSO, ben has begun a teaching series at church on the holiness of God...how being holy is good, beauty, and virtuous. i'm going to try to put that lesson on here so that you can listen to it for yourself. he's pretty good, i must say...but i'm a little biased to him ;) here's the link to the lesson. so, we hope everyone is doing well! we thank you for your prayers for us...God is providing for us daily. love to all!!