Saturday, January 28, 2006


Well, on this particular Saturday night, Ben and I are finally at home together after having a long day of errands and work (for Ben). However, it is so peaceful coming into our home and knowing that it is ours and that we are at HOME. My friend, Glenna Marshall has just moved to Sikeston, MO, "the home of the throwed rolls!" Well, not only is this the home of the throwed rolls, but now it is the Marshall's home as well, and it's finally feeling like home to them, after 6 long months of being there. I feel like that tonight, for one of the few times in mine and Ben's marriage (almost exactly 5 months ;)). We walked into our house from a long day of doing things that can't get done during the week, and it was SO peaceful to walk into our house. Ben is sitting here playing his guitar, Petey is playing with his rope, and I'm just enjoying all of it. There really is "no place like home." I know that's a little cheesy, but I think that Whiz is my middle name sometimes...ok, a lot of the time!
Tomorrow we have church in the morning and we're going to have lunch with my dad, Sam, and the Tankersleys (my sister and her family). I'm very excited about church tomorrow. Ben and I lead worship together at our church, and Ben and a friend of ours, Craig Davis, are about to start a website for the church. He is SOOO excited about this because he gets to do what he loves for ministry purposes, not just ar VIP. It's great leading worship as two people that represent Christ and His Church. This is what I've always longed for, and Christ has truly blessed me to be able to be a part of this ministry with my husband. Well, I'm pretty much just rambling, but I wanted you all to know about this great feeling I am having tonight. I hope your Saturday night is just as good as mine. May the Lord bless you tomorrow.
P.S. please be praying for both Ben's grandfather and my grandmother. They have both been in the hospital recently and are sortof on the mend. Both of these amazing people have been such an influence in our lives as Godly mentors. Please lift them up and pray and plead for God's healing. Thanks in advance for your prayers! Posted by Picasa

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