all i have to say is i'm so glad last week is over. we started out the weekend to last week going to jackson, ms, for a business trip for ben. the boys were FANTASTIC on the road...seriously, if i knew they would be this good on every trip, we would travel all the time and whenever we thought about it! so, 10 bags and one day later, we came home with a coughing, stuffed up dillon. it was so sad. he got very hoarse and was so snotty, we were just surviving. on top of that, we tried to move isaac into their bedroom to sleep at night as well. needless to say, nobody was sleeping much. isaac wouldn't wake dillon up and dillon didn't wake isaac up, but i was up almost every hour for a couple of nights in a row with both of them. finally on thursday, i took dillon to the doc. double ear infection. double wammy. he gave us some amoxicillin and dillon was feeling better by saturday. however, then isaac started feeling bad and coughing a lot and not eating very well. we were going in on monday for his two month check up (yes, he's TWO MONTHS OLD!!!) anyway, so i didn't worry too much about him. well, poor guy has an ear infection as well! so, another trip to target pharmacy and we are all feeling much better! isaac is still very hoarse and breathing deep, but he's not nearly as snotty as poor dillon was. this is was dillon looked like. his poor face was so chapped from us wiping it 5,000 times a day. so sad.
so, since this week we haven't gotten out much either, we've had time to work on some walking, and guess who's walking?!?!?! DILLON THOMAS IS!!!!! that's right! he is walking and is getting really good at it. even today, i just held one hand while we walked to the car from jason's deli (so through the whole restaurant out to the sidewalk). he is so big and i feel like we have a little boy and not just a baby anymore. you might get pretty dizzy from watching this video, but it's SO worth it. the last segment is the best!
we also had one 65 degree day last week (i think it was friday). dillon, isaac and i spent about an hour and a half outside eating lunch and just hanging out. this was dillon's most fascinating discovery ;) my poor pansies are dead now, but it was still just as fascinating to him.
then, to our surprise, we woke up to about an inch of snow this morning! they were calling for ice, but it was much better! it just snowed instead of an ice storm! i LOVE it when it snows and this is probably the only time it will snow this year in jackson. so, it's a pretty big deal. with the boys being sick, we didn't get out in it too much, but dillon felt it and said "ohhhh". then he didn't want anything else to do with it! i love the way our house looks in the snow.
also, isaac is getting so big! at his two month check up, he weighed 12 lb 6 oz and is 23.75 inches long. he is the 75%ile for both height and weight!! we have a BIG BOY on our hands!! dillon weighed that much when he was four months old. i have a feeling i might be buying them the same size clothes pretty soon. he is so much fun, too. he smiles all the time and is trying to coo and talk a lot. i'll be making dinner and all the sudden hear "ohhh" and it's little isaac, just reminding me that he's there. i LOVE him so much and LOVE being the mommy to these two precious boys. i've realized just how priceless they are lately. it's such a dream come true.
yay! for dillon. what a great walker. (and mom looks so slender too!)
all right, dillon! impressive. next is that 5k, right?
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